Custom prediction
Select teams
Check factorsA
All matches between the teamsB
Last matches of the host team (only as host)C
Last matches of the guest team (only as guest)D
Advantage of the host teamE
Standings of the teams in the championshipF
Rank of the country's league (different team country only)G
Rank of the teamsH
Bookmakers coefficient (if exist)3
Custom prediction result
No predictions
Not enough information about this factor
Risky prediction. Not enough information for correct computing.
This factor not exist
Correct prediction, based on rich statistics information.
Prediction status
Prediction status
What the percentages means after each mach?
The percentages after each match means probability to happen any of the following events: 1 - home team win
X - match finish draw
2 - away team win
HT1 (H1) - home team win after first half (half time 1)
HTX (HX) - draw result after fisrt half (half time X)
HT2 (H2) - away team win after first half (half time 2)
1.5 - over 1.5 goals in match (scored from both team)
2.5 - over 2.5 goals in match (scored from both team)
3.5 - over 3.5 goals in match (scored from both team)
BTS - both team to score goal in match
OTS - only one team scored in the match(no matter which of the teams)